Have a look at our NEWS-Timeline and don’t lose any of our achievements!
SHIRIN KERBER wins the Cross in Moghegno TI and reafirms herself as Swiss Champion (U20). A solid race to confirm her constant work during winter. You deserve this price! NOAH COLLIOUD takes second place at the U16 race, becoming vice-Champion after a hard push and intence previous weeks.
We feel very proud of you both carrying our values with success and wish you all the best for the upcomining track season!
(Pic: Sandro Anderes)

After getting U16 1000m Swiss Record last weekend, NOAH culminates the 2024 indoor season by traking gold at the Swiss Championships. With an increible performance and show of confidence, we can’t feel more happy.
Congratulation Noah! Hard work pays off. Chapeau!

After applying the learnings gained the previous weekend, Noah achieves his goal of being U16 1000m Swiss Record holder with an incredible time of 2:31,98 Min.
Congratulation Noah. Your attitude during the last month is paying high dividents. Keep that way!

Great Training Camp in Kenia for the Tomasz Lewandowski’s team. We didn’t have to wait much to see the first results of an intense team-work during the whole camp in altitude. Sofia and Rick reached Natianoal Records the week after in Indoor Track races. Niels and Rabi showed an incredible performance at the 5km Monaco Run, with 13’26” and 13’24” respectively, both running also Nationals Records, Niels U20 for Nederlands and Rabi Absolute for Norway after an amazing comeback.
Congratulations guys and girlds! Keep your way to the top united! ATTITUDE > ALTITUDE 🙂
And THANK YOU for recognising our values as yours with this WinTheDay group picture in such iconic Stadium.

NOAH COLLIOUD gets 4th place U16 after older strong runners in a crowded Race in the city Basel. 26″after reaching the finishline his teammate Silvan reaching position 8th.
Priorities in main, good push and keep rocking the winter-training together! 🙂
The team of Oscar de Paula gets a important win in front of a S.E.S.E. that didn’t make the achievement easy. They showed that remaining as a team in the difficult moments of the match had its reward!
Congratulations team for this price to your constant efforts and believe! Let’s get the 4th!

NOAH COLLIOUD wins a rainy race in Langenthal followed by his training mate Silvan Bobst. Andrin, from the LVL-Runners HUB closing a Podium that make us feel very proud of what we are doing 🙂
Congrats and thank you guys for this motivation booster! Keep going!

ADRIAN LEHMANN wins hometown race in Langenthal in front of his crowd after competing three consecutive weekends to close the first hard tranining block of the new season. SAMUEL HULDI reaches a well deserved overall Rank 4 to close a remarcable season, showing his amazing improvement within his first saison trained by ADRIAN.
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Successfull Trainingsweekend in Freburg to start the new season’24 where the team was able to collect some basic miles as well as soom quality work. Going out for the whole weekend allowed us sharing not only trainings as usual but also living togther and thus strengthen our relations and team-spirit.
Thank you Sam Geissbühler for organising this worth experience and transmiting our values to group.

With a time of 70’06” and Rank 8 at his ever second Half-Marathon, we are very proud of SAMUEL HULDI performance in a windy and curvy course. We are more than sure he will be able to brake the sub70′ mark soon.
Congratulation for your mindblowing improvement this year! Wow!
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