by Óscar de Paula
Óscar de Paula is an enthusiastic and passionate professional with a solid background as a teacher and basketball coach. His focus revolves around high-performance learning and providing continuous feedback to his players and peers, fostering an environment of constant growth.
His philosophy is rooted in enthusiasm for every task he undertakes, showcasing resilience and persistence in seeking creative solutions for the challenges that come his way. He faces difficulties with an optimistic and constructive approach, valuing the process over final outcomes.

“Progress does not demand perfection, only persistence”.
He nurtures a culture of care and commitment, prioritizing the well-being and development of both his players and team. His dedication reflects in a consistent commitment to individual and collective progress, always seeking to improve and grow personally and as a team.

C.B.Granollers Junior Headcoach
Spreading the WINTHEDAY values into the team.
The junior team from C.B.Granollers, leaded by his coach Oscar de Paula has a difficult season to face. But it is through the challenging times when the team unity matters the most.
“Only if we remain together, suffer to win and look after our teammates;
OdP: “Només si ens mantenim junts, patim per guanyar i cuidem al company del costat;
we will be able to compete at our highest level”
serem capaços de competir al nostre máxim nivell”